Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What were some of Fred Vine's contributions to the plate tectonics theory?

i havent been able to find much..

maybe im not looking hard enough..can you hellp??

What were some of Fred Vine's contributions to the plate tectonics theory?
Fred Vine, put forth a novel explanation which was coincidentally also proposed by Lawrence Morley with the Canadian Geological Survey. It was based on the unproven concept of seafloor spreading proposed some years earlier by Harry Hess of Princeton University. Hess' idea envisioned the seafloor spreading outward on either side of mid-ocean ridges as new seafloor material in the form of molten rock welled up from inside the earth along the ridgelines. Vine and Matthews, together with Morley, deduced that the stripes were magnetically normal and reversed blocks of the seafloor.

A missing link in all of this widespread scientific discovery was provided in late 1965 when Dalrymple presented the findings of the Rock Magnetics Lab at a meeting of the Geological Society of America. Vine was present at that meeting and when Dalrymple unveiled his data, he recognized an exact proportional match between terrestrial paleomagnetic measurements and the mysterious seafloor bands. It was indeed a revelation ... and the start of a revolution in earth science! These unfolding discoveries and revelations generated a burst of new studies, ideas, and interpretations. Together, they created the underpinnings for an entirely new model of how the earth works -- what we now call plate tectonics. The slow, inexorable, and sometimes violent movement of these plates creates earthquakes, volcanoes, and many of the surface features of our planet.

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