Sunday, February 5, 2012

Jesus' Parable about the Vine and the Branches - John 15.?

Can someone please inform me if the original word used was 'ABIDE in me', and why is 'REMAIN in me' used in the NIV? Also, and this is really important, HOW does a Christian abide in Jesus?

Last week while on holiday (up a mountain in Andorra) my husband and I met up with a Christian family and Pedro made me stop and really think when he talked about the importance of our relationship with Christ. I don't think it was coincidence that we met - there's something here I really need to understand.

I need a serious

Jesus' Parable about the Vine and the Branches - John 15.?
I'm not sure about the word used originally, I can only tell you that the NIV is almost entirely an authentic translation.

How do we abide in Jesus? I have found a website that explains.
Reply:Jesus, within the true sense of Reality, represented Truth in yourself. As Jesus, spoke many times of seeking the "Father" through him he was constantly reminding each that Spiritual evolution was seeking the truth about oneself and in such the "Father " is found.

The father being that glimpse or essence of "God".

Consider "Christ" the term used to describe that unique Union between God and man; Jesus made that trek making that Union and earning the-"Christ" title; just a term as Jesus would be the first to tell you he was never special in any way as he is-was exactly like you from his beggining.

With that in mind Consider Jesus as a messenger holding a bright light saying "do as I" and all Truth will unfold.

In John 15, again, Jesus was saying "look at the results of growth", can you see your Origins as mine? "Look and you will see, We, You, I and the Father are One from the same seed" as we grow from the same branch...

This analogy is clear, not foggy at all; it further shows "the Father" being the farmer or "husband" of the branch.

Humanity possess what other species do not, a Collective consciousness or "awarness" ad in this is found "the Holy Ghost" or spirit of mankind. Abide in Christ is about following a path to Truth by following the methods Jesus used; forgiveness, turning the other cheek and so on.

In closing, you mentioned your relationship with "Christ"; your words certainly honor Jesus and in this you honor yourself by lineage.

As Jesus spoke of man not following or abiding in Him he spoke of Spiritual declination of any individual whom elected to follow another path of choice, the self serving person might do just that and in that we can see no Spritual growth can become of a branch cast aside by the Father.

In closing I must say that God, Jesus-Christ and so on have never been about "Christians" as this title is held high by Christians as a "faith"; this faith is uneccessary as all religions have seen the same "God" but with different interpretations, and in such, different religions are borne.
Reply:The actual word (translilterated) is meno. It is a greek word with the following definition:

to remain, abide

in reference to place

to sojourn, tarry not to depart 1a to continue to be present 1a to be held, kept, continually in reference to time

to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure 1b of persons, to survive, live in reference to state or condition

to remain as one, not to become another or different to wait for, await one

The parable is a good description of abiding. the way a branch abides in a vine. It doesn't ahve to try to be a part of the vine, it simply is. That is how you abide. Come to know your identity, your true identity. You are a child of God. You only need to believe it. Even when you doubt it, you can come back to that settled conviction. What happens when you do that is that you will see fruit born in your life much like a branch attached to the vine has fruit to be born.

If you are not bearing fruit that does not mean you are not abiding. The branch only bears fruit in season. There is a time of growth where fruit is not produced. Energy goes into developing and building up things.

Hope this helps.
Reply:Looked it up and I am curious for an accurate greek translation also..I can't find one...Good question.
Reply:Abide is the greek word "men'-o" it means in english to abide, dwell, endure, tarry, to continue where you are at.

Remain also means to abide. To abide (remain) in Jesus means to stay in His Words.

If you have read the Words of Jesus or heard His Name and understood in your heart who He was, then you will Remember all the Words that He spoke, He is like unto your first love. A person you will never forget.

This is what Jesus was saying to all of us the last time He was on earth. He said, " These things have I Spoken Unto You, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, (and bring all things To Your Remembrance, (whatsoever I have said unto you))".

John 14:25-26

Please abide in Him so that He may live in you.
Reply:It's really not important at all. It was a complete coincidence you met Pedro, though because you wanted something significant to happen you interpreted this meeting as being such. It wasn't.

I'm sorry to have to inform you your faith in Jesus is, like all other religious faiths, delusional and a waste of time.

Remain or Abide in enlightenment. It's much healthier.
Reply:Jesus explains the divine-human relationships by the analogy of a grapevine. Jesus is like the main vine. The disciples are compared with branches. The ather tends the branches like a gardener. at that time of year, branches of grapevines would be budding in Jerusalem.

In verses 10-17, several results of obedience are indicated here: (1) abiding in His love (v.10); (2) full joy (v.11); (3) love for one another (vv. 12, 13, 17); (4) friends, not servants (vv 14,15); (5) fruit remains (v. 16); and (6) answered prayer (v 16).

Verses 26,27. The COMFORTER refers to the Advocate beside us as we bear witness to Christ. See also Luke 1:2

Proceedeth: The Holy Spirit like the Son, is God from God. The Son is generated or begotten whereas the Holy Spirit "proceeds" from God. Again, while the Trinitarian relationships are a mystery to us, they are nonetheless very evident in the New Testament. The work of the Holy Spirit is to reprove to point out a fault or an error, or to expose something as it really is. The Holy Spirit reproves concerning three topics (1) Sin (v.9) the Holy Spirit reveals the need of redemption. "Because they believe not on me:" the greatest sin is unbelief. (2) Righteousness. The Holy Spirit reveals the possibility of redemption. Christ goes to the Father after a righteous life and a death that will impute this righteousness to others. (3) Judgment (v.11) The Holy Spirit reveals the reality of redemption. The power of Christ is to judge Satan and to overthrow his kingdom at the cross and at the resurrection. The prince of this world has been judged.

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity - equal with the Father and Son (equal part) in essence, separate in person, and submissive in duties. Since one major aspect of God's nature is that He is a person, it follows that the Holy Spirit is a person.

When we are saved and surrender our life to Christ, He gives us the Holy Spirit who abides inside of us. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things concerning Christ as we read the Word of God. The Holy Spirit proceeds from God and from the Son and the Holy Spirit helps with our prayers so we can be understood. The Holy Spirit causes us to see truth, understand truth and convicts us of sin. The Holy Spirit helps us lay down addictions. I know this one is real.

The Holy Spirit (Christ in me) is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me.
Reply:In the new authorized version (AV7) it say verse 4, "abide in me and I will abide in you."..."it remains and abides in the vine..."
Reply:The original Greek word is "meinate", which means "continue to be present". It also implies being steadfast, unchanging. See the source below for more detail.

Read the whole chapter to understand "abiding". It's not thinking about Jesus the person all the time. It simply means live as a Christian would. To abide in the love of Jesus, you obey his command, which is to love one another as he has. Don't try to please the world. Always try to do good, even if it means trouble for you. That's "abiding".
Reply:both words are translated from the same source and it means to live in Jesus or let Jesus live in you. as the branches of a vine takes its food from the steam so we need to be spiritually connected to Jesus.
Reply:Dear Truth-seekers and Truth-finders,

This is a small sample from our current Epochal Revelation of Truth, on your very excellent question. For more, E-mail me at my Profile link here.

This Revelation is fully in the public domain and may be freely shared with all.


Then Jesus stood up again and continued teaching his apostles: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. I am the vine, and you are the branches. And the Father requires of me only that you shall bear much fruit. The vine is pruned only to increase the fruitfulness of its branches. Every branch coming out of me which bears no fruit, the Father will take away. Every branch which bears fruit, the Father will cleanse that it may bear more fruit. Already are you clean through the word I have spoken, but you must continue to be clean. You must abide in me, and I in you; the branch will die if it is separated from the vine. As the branch cannot bear fruit except it abides in the vine, so neither can you yield the fruits of loving service except you abide in me. Remember: I am the real vine, and you are the living branches. He who lives in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit of the spirit and experience the supreme joy of yielding this spiritual harvest. If you will maintain this living spiritual connection with me, you will bear abundant fruit. If you abide in me and my words live in you, you will be able to commune freely with me, and then can my living spirit so infuse you that you may ask whatsoever my spirit wills and do all this with the assurance that the Father will grant us our petition. Herein is the Father glorified: that the vine has many living branches, and that every branch bears much fruit. And when the world sees these fruit-bearing branches--my friends who love one another, even as I have loved them--all men will know that you are truly my disciples.

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Live in my love even as I live in the Father's love. If you do as I have taught you, you shall abide in my love even as I have kept the Father's word and evermore abide in his love."

The Jews had long taught that the Messiah would be "a stem arising out of the vine" of David's ancestors, and in commemoration of this olden teaching a large emblem of the grape and its attached vine decorated the entrance to Herod's temple. The apostles all recalled these things while the Master talked to them this night in the upper chamber.

But great sorrow later attended the misinterpretation of the Master's inferences regarding prayer. There would have been little difficulty about these teachings if his exact words had been remembered and subsequently truthfully recorded. But as the record was made, believers eventually regarded prayer in Jesus' name as a sort of supreme magic, thinking that they would receive from the Father anything they asked for. For centuries honest souls have continued to wreck their faith against this stumbling block. How long will it take the world of believers to understand that prayer is not a process of getting your way but rather a program of taking God's way, an experience of learning how to recognize and execute the Father's will? It is entirely true that, when your will has been truly aligned with his, you can ask anything conceived by that will-union, and it will be granted. And such a will-union is effected by and through Jesus even as the life of the vine flows into and through the living branches.

When there exists this living connection between divinity and humanity, if humanity should thoughtlessly and ignorantly pray for selfish ease and vain-glorious accomplishments, there could be only one divine answer: more and increased bearing of the fruits of the spirit on the stems of the living branches. When the branch of the vine is alive, there can be only one answer to all its petitions: increased grape bearing. In fact, the branch exists only for, and can do nothing except, fruit bearing, yielding grapes. So does the true believer exist only for the purpose of bearing the fruits of the spirit: to love man as he himself has been loved by God--that we should love one another, even as Jesus has loved us.

And when the Father's hand of discipline is laid upon the vine, it is done in love, in order that the branches may bear much fruit. And a wise husbandman cuts away only the dead and fruitless branches.

Jesus had great difficulty in leading even his apostles to recognize that prayer is a function of spirit-born believers in the spirit-dominated kingdom.

Peace and progress,

Brother Dave, a Jesusonian Christian Truthist Gospel enlarging website,

proclaiming worldwide the True Religion


Come and share !

Not much time, so here is the "short" answer.

Abide means to "live-in/with.

As it relates to our relationship with Jesus, it means He is ALWAYS part of our daily life.

We spend time with Him, in prayer, bible study, always trying to follow His commandments, always seeking to do what He wants us to do. Every moment. Every day.

It is what Paul meant when he said to "pray continually".

During the day one is always (as much as humanly possible) aware of Him being with you.

I myself, find myself talking to Him as I'm driving, in the pauses at work, and a thousand myriad other ways.

This is called the "christian walk". After awhile it should become almost second nature.

I wish I could sustain it for longer periods of time. But there is the old sin nature.

This is why 1John 1:9 is so important to the christian life.

Sin destroys this fellowship.

Which is why its important to confess it AS SOON as possible. When confessed, one can then resume ones walk. Not before. (and God DOES forgive like He says. If we would only confess it.) He knows our heart. He knows when we are being honest.

Well, gotta go. Wish I had time to write more. But I hope this helps.

(if you want me to elaborate further, well, you have my regular email address)

Your brother in Christ.

Reply:I think the reason abide was changed to remain is because the use of English language changed. Rarely do we use abide in everyday language.

If you use daily bible notes this helps to keep you close to what Jesus wants you to hear, his love for you, his provision, his protection etc. As you learn about the purpose of your life and your significance as a Christian you will grow in spirit and confidence. Abiding means trusting, especially during times of adversity; that in all things God has a purpose to fulfil in you so you keep growing spiritually.

As you invite the Holy Spirit to fill you with his presence you will see situations with a fresh understanding. You are never again alone. All things are designed to draw us closer to him, no matter how hard they seem at the time.

you can get bible notes on line, sent to you free each day; try It is called Prime Time With God.

God bless


The vine is the Jesus, the branches are us. The branches only bear the fruit not produce it. The fruit of the Spirit is, love, joy, peace, patience etc. We cannot produce these good qualities ourselves, and often feel guilty when we notice a lack. It is only by abiding, staying close to Jesus and allowing His Spirit to transform us, that we become fruitbearers. This stops us striving to be producers and keeps us hopeful and confident that in all things, God works for good with those who love Him, those whom he called according to His purpose. (Rom.8:28)
Reply:as to ABIDE... that would be to "live" in Christ... a strong commitment... to simply "remain" is not as strong a commitment....I do not have a more specific answer... the subject of textual criticisim is a deep and difficult one...and I am not into that... however... what I do know from my own looking into it... The compilers of the NIV tried to dumb down the language and removed much of the strength of the intent of the texts the translations were taken from... also, particularly the NIV, and many "modern" "translations" base their text on the work of two translators of the 19th century(Westcott and Hort) who were less than honerable(in my opinion) and were not (in my opinion) even Christian. So much that pertained to strength in Christ has been watered down...
Reply:i totally understand, i am having the same fight in myself. my relationship with Christ isn't really great, so i need to make an effort, even in my busy schedule, for him, because he gave up his life for yours and mine.

i think he (Jesus) means that we should constantly talk to him: when we are sad, happy, annoyed, confused, proud or whenever because he is very curious about our lives. though that is what i don't get about him. sorry my answer is just turing into new questions!
Reply:Abide in Me is almost the same as remain in me. The NIV, which I do not read, has tried to make it easier to read the Bible. I feel that it has taken away from actual meanings. Abiding in Jesus is doing everything with Him. Example: I'm going to the movies tonight. What movie is it? Would the Lord want me to see this movie? How is it going to edify me? Jesus is always with us but, if we sin or upset His Spirit then we lose that fellowship. If we lose that fellowship then we are not abiding in Him. We have to ask for forgiveness for the sin that has broken fellowship and start abiding again. I think it's like being very aware of His presence and that He is always there.
Reply:Some answerers have expressed a dim view of the Westcott and Hort rendition but as far as I can see, they simply render the Greek as (literally) 'remain you in me, and I in you'. The actual Greek text is simple but different translations of it are more complex.

The trouble with 'remain' is that it has connotations of 'remnants' which are left-overs. It indicates a static condition, perhaps a bit like hanging-on. 'Abide' is subtly different for it denotes intense closeness and a security of position. Consider the lovely old hymn, 'Abide with me, fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens, Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, help of the helpless, O abide with me.' The other verses end with, 'O thou who changest not, abide with me... Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me... I triumph still if thou abide with me... In life and death, O Lord, abide with me.' (Henry Francis Lyte, 1793-1847)

Surely the most iniquitous rendition of Jn 15:4 is the notorious New World Translation that adds words not in the Greek to say, 'Remain in union with me, and I in union with you.' Compared to this offensive dilution, the NIV is harmless.

Our relationship with Christ is one of our being utterly dependent on him. He is our life, our health, our strength, our joy, our reason for living. Without him, we are dying and lost. Because he comes to dwell in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, we have real life now and life eternal. We dare not, we cannot distance ourselves from him in any way without strangulating the source of life. That's why I love the way 'The Message' puts it:

'Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with me. I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire.'

We begin to separate from Christ by disobeying him, by not bothering to fellowship with others - the Church - by not fleeing to him when beset with sin or doubts or fears or depression. Every day we must consciously run to him and sit at the foot of his cross. We must pour forth in speech and deeds how much he means to us. Proof of that will be the lovely fruit of the Spirit and the salvation of souls.
Reply:Believing in Jesus is not enough. Accepting what Jesus taught and loving the lord is included in "Abide" in me.
Reply:The original word was in Aramaic. The original biblical word was in Greek. "abide in Me" and "remain in me" are both valid translations of the Greek.
Reply:Live in me is another good translation of the Greek word.
Reply:You should read from the KJV or the NKJV, theses books are closer to the original Hebrew and Greek text.

He is the vine and we are the branches, so the branches can not do a thing without him. We wait for him (verse 4), because the branch can not bear fruit without the vine. Meaning that we can not grow in the body of Christ without him. Our church does not grow because we bring people in. It grows or bears fruit, because of him.

Why Jesus died For Us

He is our sacrificial lamb who shed his blood to cover your sins: past, present and future. If not he died at the cross in vain. He full filled (Luke 24: 44) and nailed the 10 commandments to the cross (Colossi ans 2:14). Christ did not die in vain (Galatians 2: 21). The spirit or the works of the law (Galatians 3: 2). Christ is the end of the law (Romans 10: 4). The law is our tutor no more (Galatians 3: 24 – 25). God will remember your sins no more (Hebrews 10:17). You are a sinner for life, there is nothing that you can do not to sin (1 john 1: 7 - 10). You can not go out into the world and do what ever you wish, just because Jesus covered your sins (Romans 6: 1 - 3). Hebrews 8: 7 – 13 (he wrote the laws into their hearts, so that you would know right from wrong.

If you have faith in Jesus and are obedient to God, then you are not under the 10 commandments.

If you do not believe in Jesus, then you are under the 10 commandments, now you need to bring your unblemished goat to the alter every year and sacrifice it to cover your sins but with Jesus, he is our new covenant.

You are justified by faith and not of your works
Reply:An overactive imagination can make anything out of anything.

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