Monday, January 23, 2012

Tarzan (m = 79 kg) tries to cross a river by swinging from a 15.0 m long vine. His speed at the bottom of the?

Tarzan (m = 79 kg) tries to cross a river by swinging from a 15.0 m long vine. His speed at the bottom of the swing, just as he clears the water, is 9.0 m/s. Tarzan doesn't know that the vine has a breaking strength of 1.0 103 N. What is the total force Tarzan excerts on the vine?

Tarzan (m = 79 kg) tries to cross a river by swinging from a 15.0 m long vine. His speed at the bottom of the?
lolololol. we have the same physics book. well not really, but i had the same exact problem.

okay, basically you have Tarzan. the forces acting on him are the force of the vine and his weight. So that means:


- substitute a for the centripetal acceleration formula a=v^2/r

so you have:

Ftension - mg = m(v^2/r)

plug and chug to find Ftension.

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