Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Whats a good gast growing vine need to cover dogs chain link fence pen Need ideas on broadleaf vines?

I figure vines with big leaves might cut down on the barking maybe they might not bark as much if they cant see as much thru the fence. Northwest Missouri if this helps

Whats a good gast growing vine need to cover dogs chain link fence pen Need ideas on broadleaf vines?
morning glorys are sweet and once established will maybe never go away. Ivy is proper and many types will do the job. It would be wise to start several kinds at once and see which takes over faster and plant more of that kind or you can let it slowly grow in on its own.
Reply:Well Lit Garden where are the zones located no source don't have a clue what you mean exactly and don't know where to find the information?? Report It
Reply:USDA cold hardiness zones defined by average lowest temps. NW Missouri zone 4 or 5. Suggesting plants that can't survive your weather is useless. Report It
Reply:Morning Glories are sparcely foliated tropical vine that will not survive your winters. They resprout from seed (everwhere) because they're a noxtious weed. Seeds toxic (good for your dog?). But that flower is sweet! Image: Report It
Reply:Trumpet vine

Zone 4 to 9. Michael A. Dirr writes of the growth rate of trumpet vines: "Fast; keep your legs moving when in the vicinity of this vine." This is a very fast grower and it will cover a large area (30-40'). Plant in full sun. Very full, lush vine.

English Ivy

Zone 4 to 9. Another fast growing vine that takes full sun to shade. Can grow to 90'. Large leaves, but not as full and lush as trumpet vine.

Five leaf Akebia

Zone 5 to 8; Fast growth to 20-40'. Deciduous in northern climates, can be evergreen in warmer climates. Good sized compound leaf, not as dense as trumpet vine.

Porcelain Ampelopsis

Zones 4 to 8. Fast growth; can grow to 15 - 20' in one season. though this is rather rare. Smaller leaf, but good leaf density.


Zones 6 to 9; Fast growth rate. Will grow on the ground as well.

Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle

Zones 5 to 7; Will grow 5-7' per year. Dense leaf cover. Medium sized leaf for a vine.

Trumpet Honeysuckle

Zones 4 to 9; Fast grower, smaller vine grows to only 10-20'. Dense leaf cover. Medium sized leaf for a vine.


Zones 5 to 9; Fast, 10' per year or more once established.

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