Monday, January 30, 2012

Help! My dicentra formosa, 'Bleeding Hearts Vine' foliage is yellowing and it's only the beginning of April.

I'm new to gardening. I planted my dicentra in a shady location and I take care to not over water. I always check the soil before watering any of my plants. My dicentra formosa looks horrible. The foliage is yellowing and I didn't get hardly any blooms out of it. Isn't it too early in the season for my dicentra to be yellowing and dying back? It's only April. Any suggestions for how I can get this plant back on the mend? Or should I let nature take it's course, allow it to die back and hope it comes back stronger next season? I would really appreciate any advice. I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Help! My dicentra formosa, 'Bleeding Hearts Vine' foliage is yellowing and it's only the beginning of April.
Has it been really warm? What state (or country) are you in? They are perennials, and they don't flower much the first year. If you are in the south or somewhere it is hot, they might just be done until next year.

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