Monday, January 23, 2012

How do I completely get rid of a Trumpet Vine?

I dug up the main part of the vine 1 year ago but still have shooters coming up all over my back yard and in the bed it was originally in. I hate this thing!

How do I completely get rid of a Trumpet Vine?
Interestingly, I asked the same question of my county extension agent only a month ago. Do not try to dig them up, there is a long tuber in the root system, way under ground, and you you just get a part of it, it will come back.

His suggestion was a weed killer, make sure that it goes not kill grass also. One spray will not usually work, it may take several.

if they are growing in a flower garden, put something on the surrounding plants to keep the spray off of them. You can get most of the weed killers without a spray - you can use those, mix to the recommended specs, and being careful not to get any on other plants you want, just paint it on with a very small brush. Paint every leaf.
Reply:Cut them to the ground. Every time you see a new shooter spray it with weed be gone that is for poison ivy and woody vines. Cut and spray, cut and spray. They will give up.
Reply:Spray any green growth with a non selective herbicide...(RoundUp) it will translocate down / into the plant and kill it.

Take care not to spray any plants you want to keep!
Reply:Use round up for brush
Reply:Put as much of the vine as you can in a plastic grocery store bag. Apply straight, undiluted round up. Tie bag closed. worked for me

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