Sunday, January 8, 2012

My grape vine has been growing well for about 5 years,?

My grape vine has been growing well for about 5 years, but never had any fruit, or even flowers. Is this because I haven't yet pruned it? What should I do?

My grape vine has been growing well for about 5 years,?
Beth S:

Hi Beth, I wonder if your grape is getting enough Sunlight. Five years and still no fruit, strange. I would surely prune it this year, by now the roots are well established, fertilize it as well, with a good vegtable/fruit fertalizer. Are you POSITIVE it's a grape? Wisteria looks alot like grape, and it blooms in about it's 5th year. Lets assume it IS a grape though. So, grapes LOVE water. Did/have you been growing it on a trellace type fence. It needs support to grow well. But I think if you haven't pruned it in 5 years, most definetly, a pruneing is in order! Loosen the soil around the base of the plant to ensure that is able to get as much water as it can when it rains. As I mentioned , Fertilizing is most likely in order as well. So, Beth, I guess, If you have given it support, food shelter,(starting to sound like a teenager!) it should be well on it's way. Good Luck. Bertram
Reply:try cutting it back this fall, also next spring, give it a little fertilizer, before it puts on starts growing, may be a sterile plant,

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