Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I live in Ohio, i did not get any grapes on my vine this year, compared to last year. What was my problem?

Is there a proper way to prune a grape vine?

I live in Ohio, i did not get any grapes on my vine this year, compared to last year. What was my problem?
there is a proper method for pruning grapes for fruiting. Any public library will have a book on fruit production / pruning
Reply:I live in ohio also and i know alot of people who had that problem..dont know why though...moms grape vine grew all the way up the apple tree but no grapes
Reply:Global warming thats what i herd a couple months ago.
Reply:Its most likely weather related. I had the same problem here in Connecticut. If you cant find visible signs of insects or other reasons for a small harvest (raccoons for instance) Its most likely weather. Too much water or not enough. Too much humidity, etc. Grapes arent the hardiest plant in the world and a lot has to do with pruning. Get a book about them at the library or bookstore.
Reply:just "google" growing grapes" etc to find plenty of sites,, and yes you need to prune properly every fall or spring,, the branches will not produce grapes two years in a row,, you have the leave just part of them so they can grow new smaller braches to have the grapes!!!
Reply: here will explain how to prune grape vines

Dog Teeth

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