Monday, January 23, 2012

How do I treate White Downy Mold On My Grape Vine?

How long will it take before the fruit stops dropping off the Vine?

I live in Ohio.

How do I treate White Downy Mold On My Grape Vine?
(Also from Ohio)

It is a type of fungus, however fungus cannot be treated - it can only be prevented. If your plant already has the fungus - it has the fungus. The best thing you can do is collect all of the infected foliage and dispose of it after this growing season (do not put in compost or use in mulch). Next year when the growth emerges preventativley spray the foliage thoroughly with a fungicide such as Bonide Fung-onil or use Captan about once a week during the spring. Once the cool, wet spring weather passes you should be O.K. Fungus thrives in cool, wet weather - in the summer when the temperature is up and the moisture is down fungus development ceases.
Reply:Its probably powdery mildew and can be treated with a fungicide.

go to your local garden store and look in their chemical section until you find one that deals with powdery mildew

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