Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How do you ripen tomatoes on the vine still,?

cant seem to change the color from green

How do you ripen tomatoes on the vine still,?

Or, if you have no patience (though this might take MORE patience!) pop a brown paper bag around each tomato on the vine, secure it with a tie-wrap, and leave it a few days. I think this has something to do with making the atmosphere around the fruit richer in carbon dioxide, but I'm not sure!
Reply:Leave it a lone. We will ripen no tomato before it's time.
Reply:Just be patient. It takes time. Are they getting enough sun?
Reply:It takes time . More patience is all that's needed. If you want to pick a few and put them on the window sill to ripen. have fun.
Reply:Wait for it. You will know by the red color. Check just once a day. There is no need to check any more than that.
Reply:You may have just gotten a green variety. If it isnt a "green variety" dont pick till red! Otherwise eat them green or make fried green tomatoes. They are actually delicious.
Reply:just leave them out at room temp. or take them off the vine.
Reply:Wait, be patient, water them and wait until the sun does its job. I am in the same boat as you are. In 2 weeks you should have red tomatoes.
Reply:pick them and place them in a window for a day or two
Reply:They have red plastic sheeting that is supposed to turn your tomatoes red in the garden stores and catalogs. You lay it down around your plants. I don't know why it works but they claim it gives richer redder colored tomatoes. The tomatoes will turn red by themselves when it is time and they will continue to turn red inside if you pick them a little green. About the time you give up, they will all turn red at once and then you will have plenty!!

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