Saturday, February 11, 2012

How do i get rid o vine weevles?

i think they are in my compost bin!!!!

How do i get rid o vine weevles?
Use the nematode biological method to get rid of them . Vine Weevil Larvae are the real problem, attacking the root system of plants from late Summer until the following spring. The larvae over-winter in the root system attacking the roots until they emerge as adults in late spring / summer. The adults will lay eggs in the rootballs of plants which will hatch and feed before over-wintering and repeating the whole process again.

Buy Steinernema Kraussei nematodes - the safest, most effective and economical treatment against vine weevil,Once applied, the nematodes seek out the vine weevil larvae and on contact enter the body cavity to release a bacteria which turns the inside of the larvae into soup, which the nematode then feed on. Having destroyed the larvae the nematodes are released back into the soil to hunt down more larvae to feed on. Once a larvae has been infected it takes 2 weeks for it to die during which time the larvae turns brown and papery.


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